• 芒果街上的小屋第1篇

    Hairs: Everybody in our family has different hair. My Papa's hair is like a broom, all up in the air. And me, my hair is lazy. It never obeys barrettes or bands. Carlos' hair is thick and straight. He doesn't need to comb it. Nenny's hair....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第2篇

    Darius the Clouds You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and m....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第3篇

    Four Skinny Trees They are the only ones who understand me. I am the only one who understands them. Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine. Four who do not belong here but are here. Four raggedy excuses planted by t....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第4篇

    Cathy Queen of Cats Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats. Baby cats, big cats, skinny cats, sick cats. Cats asleep like little donuts. Cats on top of the refrigerator. Cats taking a walk on the dinner table. Her house is li....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第5篇

    A house of my own Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not a daddy's. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias. My books and my stories. My two shoes waiting beside the bed. Nobody to sh....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第6篇

    Those who don't Those who don't know any better come into our neighborhood scared. They think we're dangerous, They think we will attack them with shiny knives. They are stupid people who are lost and got here bu mistake.But we aren't afari....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第7篇

    The House on Mango Street~1 We didn't always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can't remember. But what I remember....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第8篇

    The House on Mango Street They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real that would be ours for always so we wouldn't have to move each year. And our house would have running water and pipes that worked. And inside it w....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第9篇

    The House on Mango Street~3 But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all. It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath. Bricks are crumbling in places, an....

  • 芒果街上的小屋第10篇

    The House on Mango Street Once when we were living on Loomis, a nun from my school passed by and saw me playing out front. The Laundromat downstairs had been boarded up because it had been robbed two days before and the owner had painted on....