
  1.当他最后一次浇花时,准备把她好好珍藏起来。他发觉自己要哭出来。When the last time he watering the flowers, ready to give her a good collection. He found himself to cry.2.大人们都是这个样子,以衣冠取人。The adults are like this, take people to the headgear.3.当一个人炫耀他自己的智慧时,往往倒会误入歧途。When a person is to show off his own wisdom, often wondered what it would be misguided.4.只恨我当时年纪小,看不到她那小小花招背后的一片柔情。Only hate I was young, can't see her little trick behind a piece of tender feelings.5.忘记朋友是一件令人伤心的事情,并不是人人都有朋友的。Forget a friend is a sad thing, not everyone has a friend.6.很多路都得自己一个人走完。Many have to myself a person walk the road.7.忘记朋友是可悲的,不是谁都有朋友。Forget a friend is sad, is not who have friends.8.对那些大人们,小孩子要尽量宽容一些。For those who are adults, children should as far as possible some tolerance.小王子经典



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